Connexions Resource Centre - Satellite Offices
Visits by appointment only
Shawville: 530, rue Main, Shawville, Qc, J0X 2Y0
Wakefield: 721, chemin Riverside, Wakefield, QC J0X 3G0
819-557-0615 •

#YouAsked: “What dental care is covered by the Québec Health Insurance Plan?”

The Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec pays the cost of certain services provided by dentists and denturists.

For everyone: 

In hospitals, every insured person is entitled to certain oral surgery services in the event of trauma or an illness. The services are provided free of charge upon presentation of a valid Health Insurance Card.  Some of these services can include: drainage of an abscess, removal of a cyst or tumour, or reduction of a fracture. The related examinations, local or general anesthesia and X-rays are also covered.

EXCLUDED: The costs related to tooth and root extractions are not covered by the Régie.

For children under age 10: 

In dental clinics or hospitals, children under age 10 receive the following services free of charge upon presentation of their valid Health Insurance Card:

  • one examination per year
  • emergency examinations
  • x-rays (including panoramic x-rays)
  • local or general anesthesia
  • amalgam (grey) fillings for posterior teeth
  • fillings using esthetic materials (white) for anterior teeth
  • prefabricated crowns
  • endodontics (including root canal treatment, apexification, pulpectomy, pulpotomy, emergency opening of the pulp canal and sedative dressings)
  • tooth and root extractions
  • the oral surgery services covered for all

EXCLUDED: The costs related to cleaning, scaling, fluoride application, and pit and fissure sealing are not covered by the Régie for children under age 10.

Find the full list of dental care coverage in the RAMQ’s Dental Services Coverage.


  • your dentist accepts the Health Insurance Card as payment. A number of dentists do not accept the card because they do not participate in the Health Insurance Plan. If the dentist is a non-participant, you will have to pay for the cost of any services outlined here and the Régie will not reimburse you.
  • your Health Insurance Card is valid. Otherwise, you will have to pay the dentist and subsequently apply to the Régie for a reimbursement.