Free EBooks, Audiobooks, Magazines And More!
- With your free Accès Gatineau card you have access to books from all 10 libraries within the Gatineau region, games, museum passes and more!
- La Réseau BIBLIO de l’Outaouais offers free online resources
- Biblio-Aidants is an information service for caregivers coordinated by the Québec Public Library Association. More than 580 libraries across Québec participate in this initiative. Biblio-Aidants consists of a series of 15 thematic booklets that inform caregivers about various illnesses as well as the issues that they face. Each booklet provides a list of organizations, a selection of relevant websites, as well as reading and film suggestions. All information in these booklets has been selected, analyzed and validated by trained librarians.
Lists of Books to Read with your Child & Teen:
- Building Literacy Skills Together!
- Children’s Books:
- Books for Teens
- Books for Children & Youth