Parcours des Services: Apprenez à naviger les services de santé et sociaux | Shawville

Pontiac High School 455 rue Maple, Shawville, J0X 2Y0, Canada

Rejoignez-nous en personne le samedi 8 février, de 9 h à 12 h, pour explorer la vaste gamme de services publics et communautaires disponibles dans notre région ! Visitez les kiosques communautaires pour rencontrer les merveilleuses organisations dédiées à servir le public et découvrir comment elles peuvent vous aider. Ensuite, assistez à une présentation informative...


Roadmap to Services: Navigating Health & Social Services | Shawville

Pontiac High School 455 rue Maple, Shawville, J0X 2Y0, Canada

Join us in-person on Saturday, February 08, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM to explore the wide range of public and community services available in our region! Visit community kiosks to meet the amazing organizations dedicated to serving our public and learn how they can assist you. We will finish the day with an informative...


The Spectrum Club – Wakefield

Wakefield Satellite Office 721 chemin Riverside, Wakefield, Quebec, Canada

Games club in Wakefield for elementary school-aged children on the spectrum or with special needs. Must be in elementary school/for kids on the spectrum or with special needs/one parent/caregiver must be present.


Healthy Aging & Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease

Le Centre Action Générations des Ainés (CAGA) 390 Buckingham Avenue, Gatineau, J8L 2G7, Canada

Discover effective strategies for healthy aging with a focus on reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. This presentation will cover key lifestyle factors that can significantly influence cognitive health, offering methods to prevent or slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s. Learn actionable insights to maintain cognitive well-being and enhance overall health throughout your life. Register...


Itsy Bitsy Tots Playgroup | Gatineau (Hull)

Cégep Heritage College: Room E120 325 Cité-Des-Jeunes Blvd., Gatineau (Hull Sector), Quebec, Canada

Our Playgroup program provides a social-support network for English-speaking parents of children aged 0 to 5 that includes health promotion activities and information. Explore, discover, play, and engage in creative fun while making new friends! NOTE: This is a parent-child playgroup, designed for you and your child to enjoy together—parents are expected to stay and participate....


Yoga for Healthy Living | Chelsea

St. Mary Magdalene Church 537 Route 105, Chelsea, Quebec, Canada

The practice of gentle movements and stretching makes day-to-day life feel easier. Join us in-person on Wednesdays, February 12 & 26, and March 12 & 26 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am for our “Yoga for Healthy Living” classes in Chelsea! Bring your yoga mat, learn while enjoying the physical and wellbeing benefits through these fabulous sessions. With...


Connexions Coffee Chat – Bryson

Bryson Golden Age Club 943 Principale St, Bryson, Québec, Canada

Join us for Connexions Coffee Chat, a warm and supportive gathering designed for seniors and caregivers. This welcoming space offers an opportunity to share experiences, exchange valuable information, and find comfort in community connections. What to Expect: Facilitator Linda Vanderlee will guide conversations about aging in the Pontiac, creating a safe and enriching environment for learning and discussion....


Creative Community Connexions – Rupert

Rupert Community Centre 24 Chemin Shouldice, Alcove, Québec, Canada

Join us for workshop 2 of 8 weekly creative workshops, happening every Wednesday in Rupert! Unleash your creativity and connect with others in these engaging art workshops! Over eight weeks, you’ll have the opportunity to make new friends and enjoy the art-making process—no prior experience needed, just bring your excitement! Led by Linda Vanderlee, an...


Gentle Stretching For Strength, Balance & Flexibility | Virtual

Virtual Event - Zoom Webinar
Virtual Event Virtual Event

The practice of gentle movements and stretching makes day-to-day life feel easier, helps calm our body and mind, and improves our overall health and well-being. Join us virtually on Thursdays, February 13, and March 13 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am for gentle stretching classes to improve your strength, balance, and flexibility. With special guest, Kim Valiquette, Dance instructor,...


Connexions Coffee Chat – Campbell’s Bay

Campbell's Bay Golden Age Club 2 rue Elsie, Campbell's Bay, J0X 1K0, Canada

Join us for Connexions Coffee Chat, a warm and supportive gathering designed for seniors and caregivers. This welcoming space offers an opportunity to share experiences, exchange valuable information, and find comfort in community connections. What to Expect: Facilitator Marquis Bureau will guide conversations about aging in the Pontiac, creating a safe and enriching environment for learning and discussion....


Itsy Bitsy Tots Playgroup | Gatineau (Hull)

Cégep Heritage College: Room E120 325 Cité-Des-Jeunes Blvd., Gatineau (Hull Sector), Quebec, Canada

Our Playgroup program provides a social-support network for English-speaking parents of children aged 0 to 5 that includes health promotion activities and information. Explore, discover, play, and engage in creative fun while making new friends! NOTE: This is a parent-child playgroup, designed for you and your child to enjoy together—parents are expected to stay and participate....


Yoga with Sabine | Aylmer

St Mark's Church - Downstairs Hall 160 Principale St, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

Join us in-person on February 18 and March 18 from 10:30 am to 11:30 am for a healthy and fun way to nurture your body, heart, mind and soul. With special guest, Sabine Fettig, certified yoga instructor. PLEASE NOTE: When registering for this event, you are registering for all activity dates within the series. This is...
