Who We Are

About Us

Connexions links the English-speaking community of the Outaouais to health and social services by:

  • Fostering community links with public and community health and social services organizations.
  • Providing information and referrals to community members.
  • Actively supporting research and awareness on the needs of the community.
  • Developing and delivering health promotion programs and activities.
  • Promoting access through partnerships and representation.

Our Mission

Connexions Resource Centre promotes the health, social wellbeing and vitality of the English-speaking community through empowerment, participation and collaboration within the Outaouais.​

Our Vision

A strong, inclusive, healthy English-speaking community; recognized, interconnected, and contributing to the vitality of the Outaouais.

Our Values

Compassion: We serve with kindness and care.
Integrity: We hold ourselves and each other to high ethical standards.
Accountability: We are responsible to each other, our community, and those who support us.
Collaboration: We work with our community and partners to fulfill our mission.
Resourcefulness: We adapt, innovate, and strive for excellence.
Inclusion: We create spaces of belonging where everyone is treated with respect and dignity.


Special Partnership Award for 2015

Awarded by the Centres jeunesse de l’Outaouais (CJO). Connexions was recognized for its key role in informing CJO about the needs of anglophones, supporting the translation of resources for parents and guiding CJO to obtain funding to improve services for English-speaking clients.

10-Year CHSSN-NPI Recognition Award

Awarded by the Community Health and Social Sevices Community (CHSSN). Marks Connexions’ 10-year milestone in the NPI program.

Board of Directors

Ruth Williams


Adriana Saenz


Caitlin Campisi


Nelson Sanz-Cadena


John Mynott

Our Staff


Danielle Lanyi

Executive Director

Sabine Fettig

Executive Assistant

Satellite Office

Shelley Heaphy

Community Engagement and Outreach Coordinator – Pontiac

Seniors & Caregivers

Diane Wheatley

Regional Seniors’ Coordinator

Marquis Bureau

Coordinator for Caregivers of Seniors

Angela Mugisha

Special Projects Coordinator

Michelle Smulders

Outreach Worker for Seniors

Early Childhood, Youth & Families

Cassandra Hope Sydor

Regional Coordinator – Early Childhood, Youth and Families

Krishnan Sundaram

Community Health & Wellness Facilitator

Community Development

Stephanie Meunier

Community Navigation and Member Services Coordinator


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