Centre de ressources Connexions - Bureaux satellite
Visites sur rendez-vous uniquement
Shawville: 530, rue Main, Shawville, Qc, J0X 2Y0
Wakefield: 721, chemin Riverside, Wakefield, QC J0X 3G0
819-557-0615 •

Pregnant Persons and Parents-To-Be

Available in 11 languages, Ma Grossesse, Québec’s pregnancy notification system, is here for everyone who’s pregnant.

Based on your needs, the Ma Grossesse services allows you to:

Other Useful Resources

A New Life Pre-Natal Online Program is offered by the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de l’Outaouais (CISSSO) and is a series of 4 modules that cover a variety of topics: healthy pregnancy, breastfeeding, newborn care and infant safety, etc.

Programme OLO Program provides pregnant persons who have limited income with coupons for free eggs, orange juice, milk and vitamins and follow-up by a nurse, dietitian or social worker. It helps expectant persons living in economically difficult circumstances improve their diet and develop the skills to establish life-long healthy eating habits within their family.

Services for young parents and families with limited incomes (SIPPE) provides social and health care counselling during pregnancy and after birth to very young parents and families with low incomes. The program promotes the health and well-being of families in difficulty from pregnancy until the child is of school age. Contact your local CLSC to see if you are eligible.

Maison de Naissance is a maternity centre that is open to all women living anywhere in the Outaouais that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, where a midwife attends the expectant mother throughout her pregnancy, labour and delivery and during the post-partum period to ensure continuity of care.

Post-natal calls or home visits are available when you return home after the birth of your child. A nurse from CISSSO will contact you to check on your condition and that of your baby. They will also arrange to visit you at home for a complete health examination and to answer any of your questions.

Naissance Renaissance Outaouais offers many of their services in English across the region. They can provide lactation support, English-speaking and post-natal care provider coming to your home. Most services are offered based on family’s income. Call 819-561-4499 or 1-866-561-4499.

Naitre & Grandir offers a reliable source of information validated by health professionals. Their site provides information all throughout the pregnancy stages along with support to parents in the development of their child from 0 to 8 years old. Information, magazine, videos. They also provide free downloadable materials such as What to pack for labour & delivery, birthplan & How to calculate contractions.

Stretching Tips for Parents and Pregnant Persons

Join Haley, a medical student at the University of Ottawa and Connexions volunteer as she gives stretching tips for parents and pregnant persons while leading a stretching session.

Useful tools from Naître et Grandir: