Centre de ressources Connexions - Bureaux satellite
Visites sur rendez-vous uniquement
Shawville: 530, rue Main, Shawville, Qc, J0X 2Y0
Wakefield: 721, chemin Riverside, Wakefield, QC J0X 3G0
819-557-0615 •

Long-Term-Care Facilities

The mission of a residential and long-term care centre (CHSLD) is to offer services, on a temporary or permanent basis, to adults, particularly elderly persons, who, by reason of loss of functional or psychosocial autonomy, can no longer live in their natural environment. There are fourteen public and two private CHSLDs in the Outaouais.

They provide:

  • lodging, assistance, support or supervision services;
  • psychosocial services;
  • nursing care;
  • pharmaceutical, medical and rehabilitation services.

Your local CLSC is the gateway for accessing admission to a CHSLD. A CLSC professional will conduct an assessment to determine a person’s eligibility based on a variety of criteria. If you are hospitalized, a social worker in the hospital will conduct the assessment. In either case, the request will then be forwarded to the admissions’ committee, which is coordinated by the Hull CHSLD. The admissions committee prioritizes the requests and determines the facility that best meets the needs of the individual. Residents of CHSLDs are required to make a financial contribution based on their revenue.

Gatineau territory

Centre d’hébergement Lionel-Émond (CHSLD Foyer du Bonheur)

125 boulevard Lionel-Emond,
Gatineau, Québec J8Y 5S8
819 966-6410
FAX: 819 966-6414

Centre d’hébergement La Pietà
273 rue Laurier,
Gatineau, Québec J8X 3W8
819 966-6420
FAX: 819 966-6427

Centre d’hébergement Ernest-Brisson (CHSLD Bon séjour)
134 rue Jean-René Monette,
Gatineau, Québec J8P 7C3
819 966-6450
FAX: 819 966-6453

Centre d’hébergement d’Aylmer (CHSLD Renaissance)
445 boulevard Wilfrid-Lavigne,
Gatineau, Québec J9H 6H9
819 966-6440
FAX: 819 966-6441

Papineau territory

CHSLD Hôpital de Papineau
155 Rue Maclaren E
Gatineau, Québec J8L 2M4
819 986-3341

Centre d’hébergement de Vallée-de-la-Lièvre
111 Rue Gerard-Gauthier,
Gatineau, Québec J8L 3C9
819 986-4115
FAX: 819 986-9602

Centre d’hébergement Petite-Nation
14 rue Saint André Street,
St-André Avellin, Québec J0V 1W0
819 983-7341

Pontiac territory

CHSLD du Pontiacc
295 rue Allan Black,
Shawville, Québec J0X 2Y0
819 647-5755
FAX: 819 647-2453

Centre d’hébergement de Mansfield-et-Pontefract (CHSLD Manoir Sacré-Coeur)
230 chemin de la Chute,
Mansfield, Québec
819 683-2224
FAX: 819 683-3392

CHSLD Hôpital du Pontiac
200 rue Argue,
Shawville, Québec
819 647-2211
FAX: 819 647-2409

Des Collines territory

CHSLD Hôpital Mémorial de Wakefield
101 Chemin Burnside,
La Pêche (Québec) J0X 3G0
819 459-1112
1 877 459-1112
FAX: 819 459-1894

CHSLD des Collines
9 chemin Passe-Partout,
Ste-Cécile de Masham, Québec J0X 2W0
819 459-1112
FAX: 819-459-1460

Vallée-de-la-Gatineau territory

Centre d’hébergement de Maniwaki (Foyer Père-Guinard)
177 rue des Oblats,
Maniwaki, Québec J9E 1G5
819 449-4900
FAX: 819 449-4102

Centre d’hébergement de Gracefield
1 rue du Foyer, Gracefield, Québec J0X 1W0
819 463-2100
FAX: 819 463-4721

Private long-term care facilities

Centre d’hébergement Vigi de l’Outaouais
565 Boulevard de l’Hôpital,
Gatineau, Québec J8V 3T4
819 568-7434
FAX: 819 568-2043

CHSLD Champlain Gatineau
510 Boulevard la Vérendrye E
Gatineau, Québec J8P 8B4
819 966-7331, p.1302
FAX: 819 669-7301