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Community & Online Resources on Cyberviolence & Cyberbullying

For Online Resources on Internet Safety for Kids

LigneParents is a confidential service provided by professionals to parents of children aged 0-20 in Québec. Their 1-800-361-5085 toll-free number is available 24/7.  LignesParents offers parents support as needed to solve problems, answer their questions, and deal with crisis situations.   (website French only, but bilingual service)

SOS violence conjugale is a helpline providing support and referral services for victims of domestic violence, their children and other family members. These services are confidential
and available 24/7 throughout Québec.  You can reach them toll-free at: 1-800-363-9010.  (website French only, but bilingual service)

Crime Victims Assistance Centres (CAVAC) provide front-line services to victims of crime everywhere in Québec. Services include: information on rights, recourses, and legal procedures; accompaniment to court; help with filing for compensation.  You can reach them toll-free at: 1-866-532-2822.

The Association Québécoise Plaidoyer-Victimes (AQPV) is a non-profit organization that promotes and defends the rights and interests of victims of crime and their families.  The organization created 5 cyberviolence fact sheets on: What form does cyberviolence take in teen dating relationships?   What are the signs that a teen is being cybervictimized by their boyfriend or girlfriend?   What are the consequences of cyberviolence in teen dating relationships?  et Many behaviours associated with cyberviolence in the context of a dating relationship are considered crimes (PDF only publications).  You can also visit the AQPV website to view their videos on cyberviolence and order their Guide on Cyberviolence in Teen Intimate Relationships.

ProtectKidsOnline is a website designed to help parents/guardians stay on top of the digital world their children are engaging in. You will find information about the ever-changing online interests of young people, the potential risks they face and proactive strategies to help keep your child/adolescent safe while online.

NeedHelpNow.ca is a website designed to provide assistance to youth aged 13-17 when an intimate photo or video has been posted online without consent. It offers practical advice to help them regain control over the situation and explains how to contact Internet sites and services to ask them to remove a photo or video.

Get Cyber Safe was created by Public Security Canada for parents and young people.  This website provides information, advice, and tools on cyberbullying and the distribution of intimate images online without consent.

Cybertip.ca protects young people from online sexual exploitation.

MediaSmarts offers a number of articles on cyberbullying.

Éducaloi offers online legal information for adults and youth, including articles on Cyberbullying