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What Are You Up to this Weekend? | Visit to the New Donalda-Charron Library in the Plateau (Aylmer sector of Gatineau)

Nat and her family visited the new Donalda-Charron library located on the rue de Bruxelles in the Plateau area (Aylmer/Hull sector of Gatineau) in the Outaouais. “It was such a joy to visit!” said Natalie Filiou, Connexions Communications Coordinator. “The library was bright, airy and welcoming. My favourite, of course, were the gardens of overflowing vines and gorgeous Peace Lilys.”

Designed to serve as a gathering place, the library is divided into different sections: long tables, self-serve computer stations and conference rooms are perfect for groups to gather and chat; large, comfortable chairs, set-up all along the outer “walls of windows,” are amazing as “reading nooks”; and the kids’ section includes short, curved shelving, perfect for the little ones to grab their very own books, and cute, round chairs, on which they can sit and enjoy their picture books. The library even includes the latest technology, such as self-serve book scanning stations and an automatic library return and sorting machine.

After they checked-out their books, the trio visited the outdoor basketball, skateboard, water and play park just behind the library. There they also found a lovely community garden, the Jardin Communautaire Serge-Bertrand, managed by the Association des résidents du Plateau – ARP and the Ville de Gatineau. Flowers, herbs, vegetables and fruit trees thrive within the enclosure, which even included cute, colorful beehives with hundreds of busy bees.

“There was so much to take in!” Said Nat. “We intend to visit again this weekend so the kids can try out the skate park and our littlest, Charli, can play at the two parks. And of course, I’ll take another peek at the gardens and bees.”


? Discover the Donalda-Charron Library(French only content and videos)

? Make sure to check-out our literacy resources

? With your free Accès Gatineau card you have access to books from all 10 libraries within the Gatineau region, games, museum passes and more!

? The Réseau BIBLIO de l’Outaouais offers free online resources and information on libraries throughout the Outaouais.

Find more of our  Exploring the Outaouais Stories!