Centre de ressources Connexions - Bureaux satellite
Visites sur rendez-vous uniquement
Shawville: 530, rue Main, Shawville, Qc, J0X 2Y0
Wakefield: 721, chemin Riverside, Wakefield, QC J0X 3G0
819-557-0615 •

Mental Health For A Child = Mental Wealth For All

PDF, Mental Health for a Child Poster

Did you know that 75 percent of mental health problems and illnesses have an onset in childhood, adolescence or young adulthood?   And only one in four children or youth seek and receive services?

Find more stats about mental health in the Mental Health for a Child=Mental Wealth For All poster.

Make sure to visit our Health & Social Services et Ressources communautaires Webpages to find mental health services for yourself or your child within the Outaouais area.