Become a Member!

Become a Connexions member

As a member of Connexions, you support our efforts to serve and promote the health, well-being and vitality of the English-speaking population of the Outaouais!

Your membership helps us to continue offering our various services and activities, as well as to improve access to information and resources in English for children & their families, youth, adults, caregivers and seniors. 

Complete our Membership Form

All information in this form is kept strictly confidential.

Connexions Online Membership Form

* indicates required

I confirm: I would like to be a member *

I confirm: I would like to receive the newsletter *

Main areas of interest (required selection):

  • Fa

By completing this online form, you consent to Connexions’ using your personal information to keep you informed about activities and health related information, for as long as you are a member or until you withdraw your consent.

Perks of Membership?

Free access to our programs, activities and services at Connexions Resources Centre.  Engage in and support various projects and help us sustain community initiatives and maintain access to health and social services in English.

Receive community information and special invites to our events, as well as our Connexions Newsletters via email.  Learn more about the health and social services available in your area and engage in and support various projects and activities.

Voting privileges at the Connexions Annual General Meetings (AGM). Help us elect the Board of Directors, consider sitting on the Board and provide feedback to help determine the direction of our organization.