Bursary Program

The Health and Social Services Community Leadership Bursary Program

With funding from McGill University, Connexions is pleased to offer the Health and Social Services Community Leadership Bursary Program.  The Bursary provides financial incentive for students from the Outaouais region pursuing full-time studies in health and social services at a Quebec government-recognized educational institution to return to (or stay in) their region to work and serve their communities after completing their studies.

This bursary aims to reach students with English and French language skills who are pursuing full-time studies in the area of health and social services and who have demonstrated a commitment to, and involvement in, their community.

See below for eligibility guidelines.

For questions or to receive an application form, contact Connexions at  or 819-557-0615.

Application Deadline for the Bursary ProgramSpring 2025

Bursary Amounts – Two types of bursaries are offered for students studying outside the Outaouais and within the region. In both cases, bursary recipients must be willing to work in the Outaouais for one year upon graduation to serve their communities.

Outside the Outaouaisfor students studying in health and social service disciplines at government-recognized educational institutions outside of the Outaouais. The Bursary amounts are for students registered for full-time studies in the 2025-2026 Academic Year and fixed on the student’s level of study:

University: $10,000        Cégep / college: $5,000

Bursary Application Guide – Academic Year 2024-2025 (version française)

Within the Outaouais: bursaries are aimed at students pursuing studies in health and social services disciplines within the Outaouais. The Bursary amounts are for students registered for full-time studies in the 2025-2026 Academic Year and fixed on the student’s level of study:

University: $5,000          Cégep / college: $2,500          

Vocational Training: $1,000 – 2,000*

* Vocational Training Deadlines: To accommodate the multiple starting dates of vocational training programs in Quebec, Dialogue McGill has opted to offer an open call for bursaries for those students in vocational training programs only (see the list of eligible programs of study in health and social services on page 11 of the Guide).  Students are subject to the same conditions stipulated whether they are studying within or outside the Outaouais but, if they are in a vocational training program, they may apply for a Bursary that is within the Outaouais at any point during the 2024-2025 academic year.

Bursary Application Guide – Academic Year 2024-2025 (version française)

Eligibility Criteria – the McGill Bursary is open to students from selected Quebec regions (in our case, the Outaouais) who:

  1. are Canadian citizens (or permanent residents) who have resided in a selected Quebec region for at least 2 years (24 months);
  2. have the appropriate English and French language skills to provide health and social services in a health and social services institution in Quebec;
  3. are pursuing studies in a government recognized educational institution (located outside their region and located within their region);
  4. are currently accepted into or pursuing full-time studies (the educational institution that the students are attending considers them as such) in a government-recognized health and social services program (contact Connexions before applying to check this) that permits the students to work professionally in Quebec upon completion of studies;
  5. are registered* full-time during the 2025-2026 academic year;
  6. are committed, following completion of studies, to work in the field of health and social services in a public health and social services institution or related organization in the Outaouais for a minimum of one year per bursary awarded.
  7. agree to participate in any follow-up, monitoring or evaluation of the Program conducted by Dialogue McGill and / or the community network

* Please note that the Bursary Program is not applicable to students who are:

  • registered in independent or non-degree programs;
  • registered in distance and on-line training programs.

Health Canada

This initiative is funded by Health Canada, and supported by Dialogue McGill at McGill University, under the Action Plan for Official Languages – 2023-2025: Investing in Our Future. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of Health Canada, McGill University, and Dialogue McGill.Spri

Learn More About Past-Year Bursary Recipients

Nat, Connexions’ Director of Operations, chats with Sifuni Kajiru and Julien Prévost, both two-time recipients of our Bursary Program.

Watch their Live Chat Videos to find out more about Connexions’ Bursary Program and how it can help students pursuing studies in a health and social services dicipline at Cégep/College or University.