
services & supports for the 55+ community

Find free activities and workshops, mental health and wellbeing check-ins, an information and referral service for seniors needing help accessing health and social services within the Outaouais, and more. 

Senior with hat

Who is feeling lonely? Struggling financially?  Experiencing physical, mental or financial abuse? Finding it difficult to find a place to live? Has mobility of cognitive loss? Has an addiction?  Does not know where to find the right services?

We can help! 

Connect with us at 819-557-0615 or.

Download our most recent list of health and social services resources available within the Pontiac including Residential & Long-Terms Care, bereavement services, Government of Québec services, housing information, legal resources, and more.


We are currently working on a Directory of Services for seniors living in Gatineau.  Coming Soon!

Calendar of all available services for seniors within the Aylmer area

Check-out the list of community organizations ready to assist you in the Aylmer Sector of Gatineau. The resources and services in this list include legal aid, food & meal centers, housing information, help & support lines, senior centers, and more.


Can’t find what you are looking for? Reach out to us at 819-557-0615 or at


Elder abuse

Elder Abuse, Fraud & Scams

Elder abuse is real and it happens to many seniors. It includes financial or property abuse, psychological or physical abuse, sexual abuse, as well as negligence and violation of human rights.

Mental Health Resources

You’ll find crisis and non-crisis helplines, as well as resources on how to respond to stressful events. Learn more about

Heart Health

The most common sign of a heart attack is chest pain or discomfort includes a feeling of pressure, squeezing, fullness, and pain.

Cancer Care

Find a wide range of resources and services suited to your needs and daily concerns, This includes online information, psychological support, physical wellness programs, accomodation and more.

Arthritis & Osteoporosis

Often referred to as the ‘silent thief,’ osteoporosis slowly steals your bone density over a period of many years without giving you any signs or symptoms. As such, many people are often unaware that they have osteoporosis

Literacy Resources

Find a wide range of free literacy resources, including access to your community library, reading lists and more.

Healthy Eating for Seniors

Find more information on the importance of eating healthy as you age to maintain your independence and quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions to available health and socila service sresources within the Outaouais.