Discover Our New Minibiblio at the Connexions Aylmer Office!

Wooden bookshelf filled with children's books, topped with a sign for minibiblioPLUSWe’re thrilled to announce that Connexions’ Aylmer office now hosts a minibiblio—a little library brought to you through our partnership with the Fraser Hickson Library in Montreal. This initiative, part of the minibiblioPLUS project, is designed to make books more accessible and promote a love of reading within our community.

Our minibiblio offers a rotating selection of books for children and families, with themes and topics that can be customized based on community requests. Additionally, some of our featured books come with activities to be done at home as part of our ‘Book of the Month’ program. These activities are a fun and engaging way to deepen your child’s connection with the story and encourage learning beyond the pages.

You can visit our office during regular hours, Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm, to borrow books!

Reading to your child from a young age is one of the most important activities you can do to support their development. It helps build language skills, strengthens the parent-child bond, and sparks a lifelong love of learning. Whether you’re reading together at bedtime or exploring new stories during the day, these moments of shared reading lay the foundation for success in school and beyond.

September is Literacy Month, and there’s no better time to dive into the joy of reading. We invite you to explore our minibiblio and take advantage of additional resources like the Literacy Calendar and Reading Tracker to encourage daily reading habits in your family.

Whether you’re looking for new books to enjoy at home or ways to inspire your child’s reading journey, our minibiblio is here to support you. Stop by, borrow a book, and let’s celebrate the power of reading together!