Cancer Care

General Resources & Tools

Make sure to also visit our Health & Social Services webpage for information on How to Register for a Family Doctor, how to apply for a renew your Quebec Health Card, how to access your Digital Health File, the role of the Pharmacist, and more.

The Quebec Cancer Foundation  supports people with cancer and their loved ones, here in Quebec, through services suited to their needs and daily concerns. They provide different types of supports including online information, psychological support, physical wellness programs, accomodation, practical help for youth and more. The Quebec Cancer Foundation has just launched their Online Resources Director, which includes 9 categories of resources, ranging from complementary therapies, breast and hair implants, palliative care, home help, transportation and support.

The Canadian Cancer Society (QC Division)  is a national, community-based organization of staff and volunteers whose mission is the eradication of cancer and the enhancement of the quality of life of people living with cancer.   They offer numerous supports, including information on on how to reduce their risk of cancer and how some types of cancer can be found early through screening tests; support services to help people with cancer and their loved ones at a time when they are scared and anxious; and are a trusted source of information about all types of cancer.

Cancer Care provides free, professional support services and information to help people manage the emotional, practical and financial challenges of cancer.  Services include counselling with an oncology social worker, support groups, Connect Education workshops, free online and print publications and more.

The Government of Québec’s Oncology Passport  is designed to help and guide cancer patients guide through the various phases of the cancer care experience.  It can help you manage your appointments, treatments, exams, and various meetings with doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. It also provides information on the symptoms you may experience during treatment and can help you decide when and whom to consult about your symptoms. You can use the passport to record information about your tests, exams, symptoms, and even your medication.  Everyone living with cancer receives an oncology passport.

The Government of Québec’s website offers a number of online resources and information about cancer cancer screening on Cervical Cancer and Cervical Cancer Screening, Colorectal Cancer and Colorectal Cancer Screening (colon and rectum) and Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer Screening and the Québec Breast Cancer Screening Program for Women 50-69.