Info-Santé - 811, option #1
A free and confidential telephone consultation service that puts you in contact with a nurse in case of a non-urgent health issue.
Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call 8-1-1, option #1 (or 1-866-567-4036) for yourself or a family member.
Examples of when to call:
- You have a seasonal flu that persists several days and you are wondering if you should go see a doctor
- Your child wakes up with a high fever and you are wondering if you should take them to emergency
- You have questions regarding health network resources
In the event of a serious problem or emergency, please dial 9-1-1 or go to the emergency room.
For more detailed information, please visit
Info-Social - 811, option #2
A free and confidential telephone consultation service that puts you in contact with a psychosocial intervention worker in the event of a psychosocial problem.
Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call 8-1-1, option #2 (or 1-866-567-4036) for yourself or a family member.
Examples of when to call:
- You are in a situation that causes you anxiety or are worried about a friend or family member
- You are experiencing family or relationship problems
- You are in mourning
- You have questions about other worrisome situations or behaviour
In the event of a serious problem or emergency, please dial 9-1-1 or go to the emergency room.
For more detailed information, please visit
GAP - 811, option #3
The Primary Care Access Point (GAP) helps people without a family doctor to obtain a medical consultation or a health service.
To benefit from the GAP, you must:
- be waiting for a family doctor after registering on the Québec Family Doctor Finder (GAMF); or
When you contact the GAP, your request is assessed in order to refer you to the professional or medical service that best meets your need, such as seeing a doctor or talking with your pharmacist.
NEW! The digital GAP
Access the GAP online directory 24/7 and avoid phone wait times by filling out a health needs questionnaire at Quéès.
- Once you have filled out the questionnaire, GAP staff will call you back and provide the most suitable service based on your needs.
- The digital GAP is also available for those with a family doctor, guiding patients to the best service based on health issues, including pharmacists, support program information, or home care advice.