
Support our Non-Profit & Stay in the Loop!

Support our Non-Profit & Stay in the Loop!

Perks of Membership?  Stay on top of what’s new in your community!

Crisis & Non-Crisis Lines

If you are experiencing an emergency, please go to the emergency department of your nearest hospital or call 911. If you are in crisis or have suicidal thoughts, please call: Suicide prevention line at 1-866-APPELLE (277-3553). Canada Suicide Prevention Service 24-Hour Crisis Line: Available 24/7, call & text…

Family Caregivers

Family Caregivers

Check-out our Caregivers’ Circle Support Group & Mindfulness Moment Series!

Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Resources

You’ll find crisis and non-crisis helplines, as well as resources on how to respond to stressful events. Learn more about mental illness, its risk factors, symptoms, treatment, as well as how to take care of your mental health, with self-care tips, tools and more.