Connexions Resource Centre - Satellite Offices
Visits by appointment only
Shawville: 530, rue Main, Shawville, Qc, J0X 2Y0
Wakefield: 721, chemin Riverside, Wakefield, QC J0X 3G0
819-557-0615 •

What Are You Up to this Weekend? | Visit to Forêt-la-Blanche, an Ecological Reserve Located in the Municipalities of Mayo and Mulgrave-and-Derry

What are you up to this weekend? Nat and her family visited Forêt-la-Blanche, an ecological reserve located in the municipalities of Mayo and Mulgrave-and-Derry, about 16 km north-east of Bukingham, in the Outaouais region. “It was a lovely hike through the trails- perfect for forest bathing!” said Natalie Filiou, Connexions Communications Coordinator. “There were numerous lookout points onto Lac la Blanche, Lac en Ciel and Lac Amik where the kids spotted schools of minnows, large tadpoles and frogs, a heron and even a beaver! The flowers were in full bloom, the trees were dotted with beautiful, brightly-coloured mushrooms, and the sounds of the gurgling creeks, singing birds and rustling leaves were enchanting.”

? App used to discover the different trails in the Outaouais: All Trails

? Types of hiking trails: total length 15 km, but split into smaller trails that are easy to intermediate, with lovely lookout points and a picnic area. Forêt-la-Blanche website.

?What is forest bathing? The term emerged in Japan in the 1980s as a physiological and psychological exercise called shinrin-yoku (“forest bathing” or “taking in the forest atmosphere”). The purpose: to immerse oneself in nature as an eco-antidote to burnout and to inspire individuals to reconnect with and protect our forests.

? Visit Les amis de la Forêt la Blanche / Friends of Forêt la Blanche to find more lovely pics of the trails.

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